The Silver PP7 is a special PP7 with silver plating and the raw penetration/power of the Cougar Magnum. It fires as quickly as the normal/silenced PP7 and uses 9mm ammunition, giving it an advantage over the magnum.
- This weapon can only be obtained using cheats; to earn this weapon, the level Train must be beaten on 00 Agent in 5:25 or less.
- The Silver PP7 uses the normal PP7's third person model.
- The Silver PP7 can be fired faster by holding the fire button and pressing the weapon switch button or press Z quickly.
- The Silver PP7 is able to shoot through doors and even bulletproof glass, an ability shared with the Cougar Magnum.
- With the strength of the Cougar Magnum and silver coloring, it can be considered this weapon transforms the Walther PPK (the weapon the PP7 is based on) essentially like a Desert Eagle 50 AE.