The Taser is a stun gun-like weapon in GoldenEye 007, only available when the All Guns cheat is active. The gun appears to be a "Joke Weapon". The words "Tazer Boy" are printed on the top-left corner of the weapon, a screen with a scrolling Bond silhouette, and the weapon itself resembles a hybrid between a real taser and the Game Boy Pocket (1996 compact redesign of the original Game Boy). The Taser functions more like a pistol than an actual stun gun: it fires a single "bullet" while playing an electric zap sound effect. It is not a very powerful weapon but perfectly accurate with no recoil. Also like the Moonraker Laser it has no magazine or ammo restriction.
- The Taser had an entirely different appearance during development, it originally was a larger black gun with some sort of energy meter on the back. According to Nintendo Power Issue 093, this version of the stun gun had limited range and only incapacitated enemies, rather than killing them.
- If you hold down the fire button the stun gun will not fire another shot unlike pistols, however pressing the weapon switch button or pressing Z quickly will fire another shot, this can make the stun gun fire slightly faster than it would normally.
- The beta version of the Taser, resembled it more like a pistol version of it, rather than a handheld one.
- In the XBLA version of GoldenEye 007, The Tazer does not have the words "Tazer Boy" on it. The render with classic graphics turned on is the same as with enhanced graphics.