An outside view of the Train while escaping.

Ditto, in the XBLA version.
The Converted Missile Train is part of the St. Petersburg stretch of levels. It is the last before Natalya Simonova and James Bond find-out that Boris and The Antenna Cradle for GoldenEye is in Cuba. The missile train level is linear. You start in the back of the train, and work your way forward. The Janus Mercenaries have D5K Deutsche guns in the beginning, but when the green rooms come around, they are equipped with ZMG (9mm)s. After breaking all the brake systems, two guards will appear from the room that Alec Trevelyan, Xenia Onatopp, and General Ourumov are in. When Bond kills them, one of them may drop a key. This unlocks the door to them. Once there, Bond must act quick before Natalya is executed by General Ourumov.
PP7 Special Issue (given by default in the beginning of this mission, considering that Bond held it in the previous mission.)
DD44 Dostovei (held by Ourumov, Secreted on Secret Agent difficulty in one of the boxes.)
ZMG (9mm) (Held dual or single by Janus Special Forces.)
D5K Deutsche (Held mostly by Janus Mercenary, rarely by Janus Special Forces.)
RC-P90 (Agent difficulty only, secreted in a few boxes near the end of the train or secreted in a few boxes in the beginning as well.)
Watch Laser (given by default and is recommended to use to open the small locked grate/hatch on the floor to escape the death trap train. Can also be used against enemies, although, mostly up close, as it won't hit them from far.)
Janus Mercenary
- Train is the most linear level in the game, being effectively a completely straight line.
- In the Disused Military Depot, the Train appears to be much smaller in height, resembling the military train in the movie. In the Train level, however, it is a conventionally sized train, complete with passenger cars.
- At the end of the first carriage (The far end of the train/Head Wagon), there is a crate stacked on top of another on the left, which holds a different weapon depending on the difficulty. In Agent, there is an RC-P90; in Secret Agent, there is a DD44 Dostovei; on 00 Agent, the crate is empty.
- When escaping from the Train, you can hear Trevelyan's and Xenia's helicopter taking off, but when you exit the Train, the doors for the helicopter to exit are opened, and no sign of a helicopter.
- In Agent mode it is actually possible to laser through the hatch and exit the level before Ourumov can kill Natalya. This will fail the mission on higher difficulties due to not completing the objectives, where you need to wait for Natalya to get Boris' location.
- In 00 Agent Difficulty, two of the objectives are to have Natalya locate the Janus base in Cuba and crack Boris Grishenko's password. Oddly enough, she locates the base before cracking his password, which makes it somewhat pointless to crack the password afterwards. In the film, Natalya figured out Boris' password (with help of Bond), before locating the base.
- The head wagon/end of the train (the Outside view of it), is probably one of the oddest-looking things in GoldenEye 007. It even has its own photograph in the level/mission selection screen.
- Using glitches, it is possible to escape the train without Natalya following. However, almost every time you escape the train (no matter how and from which angle), Natalya will always follow and drop what she was doing, failing the objectives completely.